Improve Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry at Matlach Dental

white smile against a gray background, with a piece of floss running between the front teeth

Your smile is not just a reflection of your happiness; it’s one of the first things people notice about you. At Matlach Dental, located in Huntington, NY, we understand the importance of a beautiful, healthy smile. That’s why Dr. Robert Matlach and our team of dental professionals are dedicated to providing top-notch cosmetic dentistry treatments…

Sparkling Smiles At Matlach Dental

affordable teeth whitening Huntington

Welcome to the Matlach Dental dental blog, Huntington! I am doctor Robert Matlach. Today’s post focuses on teeth whitening. Unfortunately our teeth lose their luster as we grow older, but I see staining on young patients, as well. New York area residents of all ages want whiter teeth. To protect from staining, it is critical…

Want Whiter Teeth?

Whiter Teeth for Huntington

Teeth whitening has become very popular as an affordable, simple way to enhance your smile with little effort and no pain. Robert Matlach Dental can help you understand your options for teeth whitening and the effects you may expect from various teeth whitening options. Over-the-counter whitening systems can give varied results, with many users not comfortable with…

Professional Teeth Whitening In Huntington

Professional Teeth Whitening at Matlach Dental

A dazzling smile leaves a lasting impression. Professional teeth whitening can dramatically improve your overall appearance and give you a boost in self-confidence. Our teeth often turn yellow or gray as we age. The things we eat and drink continually such as colored sodas, coffee and red wine worsen the staining. Most people are aware…