How Matlach Dental in New York Can Fix a Chipped Tooth

How Matlach Dental in New York Can Fix a Chipped Tooth

A chipped tooth can be a distressing experience, impacting not only the aesthetics of your smile but also your overall oral health. The good news is that modern dentistry offers several effective solutions for repairing a chipped tooth, restoring both the function and beauty of your smile. In this article, we’ll explore how Matlach Dental…

Can You Completely Restore a Smile With Several Missing Teeth?

South Melville Dental Implants

Dental techniques and materials have advanced to a point where total and near-total mouth reconstruction is possible right here in the New York area. Tooth Roots Permanently Anchored Unlike conventional removable dentures, complete mouth reconstruction requires strong, functional, and aesthetically pleasing teeth with roots permanently anchored into the jaw bone. You have probably heard about…

Think Before You Pierce

The Dangers of Oral Piercing

If you are considering puncturing your lip or tongue, this post is for you. Please consider the following: Infection Your mouth is full of bacteria. Any opening in the tissue carries the risk of infection. The germs from your tongue and mouth can easily get into your bloodstream. Dentists and doctors are continually treating acute…

Be Wise About Your Wisdom Teeth

Be Wise About Your Wisdom Teeth, New York

Today’s post discusses the often misunderstood subject of wisdom teeth. The Third Molars Wisdom teeth are sometimes called the third molars because they are even farther back in the mouth than the two sets of regular molars we all have. These four teeth usually erupt when a person is eighteen or nineteen. Many dentists recommend…

How Can You Improve Your Smile Quickly?

Porcelain Veneers

With porcelain veneers, you can improve your smile without significant restorative dental work. Dental Veneers Transform Your Teeth Porcelain veneers are glass-like, wafer-thin covers that are attached to the front of your teeth. Porcelain has been used in dentistry for many years because no other restorative material is such a fantastic match for natural tooth…

5 Tools For Tooth Transformations

porcelain veneers price New York

Too-small teeth. Misshapen teeth. Cracked teeth. Chipped teeth. Spacing irregularities. These problems are all-too-common. But you don’t have to live with them! With the advances in cosmetic dentistry, there are fixes for these vexing tooth dilemmas! 1. Veneers. (Also called dental laminates or porcelain veneers). These extremely thin shells are custom-made so the size, shape,…

Are Dental Implants Experimental?

tooth implants New York

Dental implants are tooth replacement marvels that have been placed in millions of people. They look and function just like the real thing, and are available at Robert Matlach Dental in Huntington NY. Technically, dental implants are not replacement teeth. The actual implant is a titanium post that is inserted into your jaw. In a…

Royalty At Matlach Dental

porcelain crown Huntington

When we crown one of our patients at Robert Matlach Dental in Huntington NY, the coronation is a celebration of a stronger smile. The need for a dental crown is usually apparent. Crowns – sometimes called caps – restore a decayed or damaged tooth to its original size, shape, and functionality. Crowns are sometimes extended…