Can You Completely Restore a Smile With Several Missing Teeth?

South Melville Dental Implants

Dental techniques and materials have advanced to a point where total and near-total mouth reconstruction is possible right here in the New York area. Tooth Roots Permanently Anchored Unlike conventional removable dentures, complete mouth reconstruction requires strong, functional, and aesthetically pleasing teeth with roots permanently anchored into the jaw bone. You have probably heard about…

You Don’t Have to Live With Bad Breath

bad breath treatment Huntington

Chronic bad breath can happen to anyone. Even men and women who practice impeccable oral hygiene can suffer from the condition. Are you struggling with bad breath? Schedule an examination and deep dental cleaning at Matlach Dental in Huntington. Our dental hygienist will get all the plaque and calculus off your teeth. During your examination, doctor Robert Matlach…

Getting a Dental Implant May Not Take as Long as You Think

Categories: Dental implants
teeth implants New York

Think you don’t have time to transform your smile? It may not take as long as you think. How many visits does it take to get dental implants?  Each patient is different. But in most cases, complete implant procedures take fewer visits than they used to. The team at Matlach Dental can restore missing teeth…

Why Aren’t Dental Implant Prices Listed Anywhere?

dental implants Huntington

This message from Robert Matlach Dental in Huntington NY is about the cost of dental implants. You can’t buy them at Costco. You can’t compare price tags on Amazon. The rates aren’t listed on your dentist’s site. There is a reason for this. A tooth implant procedure isn’t one-size-fits-all, and the price depends on many factors.…

Are Dental Implants Experimental?

tooth implants New York

Dental implants are tooth replacement marvels that have been placed in millions of people. They look and function just like the real thing, and are available at Robert Matlach Dental in Huntington NY. Technically, dental implants are not replacement teeth. The actual implant is a titanium post that is inserted into your jaw. In a…

Tooth Implant Placement: Before, During, After

Dental implants are rapidly becoming the tooth replacement option of choice. Millions of Americans have chosen implants, like those available at Robert Matlach Dental in Huntington NY. Once the decision is made, patients usually want to know what’s involved every step of the way. Before the Procedure It begins with a consultation and preliminary exam.…