Root Canal Therapy is Perfect for Preserving Your Natural Teeth

man holding his jaw, indicating severe tooth pain and possible need for a root canal

If possible, saving your natural teeth should always be the priority. For many patients dealing with severe tooth pain or infection, root canal therapy offers one of the most effective solutions to relieve discomfort and preserve the integrity of your natural tooth. At Matlach Dental, under the care of Dr. Robert Matlach in Huntington, NY,…

Are You Watching For Cavities?

man checking a tooth in the mirror

Did you know a cavity may be reversed? These small holes in our teeth caused by acidic tooth erosion can actually be prevented from getting worse and require filling. Currently, around 90% of adults have cavities and almost 30% have untreated cavities. However, by taking a few required precautions, we can stave off tooth decay…

Do You Grind Your Teeth While You Sleep?

woman suffering from jaw pain

Here is the Matlach Dental guide to treating teeth grinding. Understand Most teeth grinding will occur while sleeping. Consistent teeth grinding might be suspected with a sore jaw and dull headache in the mornings. Anxiety or stress are not the only reasons grinding may appear. It can also be related to an abnormal bite or…

Should I Worry About My Snoring?

sleep apnea dental appliance Huntington

Snoring isn’t just an annoyance. It can have significant health consequences. At Robert Matlach Dental, we can find out if it’s impacting your oral health. What is Snoring? Snoring is caused by a blockage in the airway. The obstruction can be caused by: Poor muscle tone in the throat and tongue—when muscles relax they can…